Another month passes. Here are the highlights and meh-lights
As another month passes so does another to-do list.
People have slammed me against the wall, pointed a gnarly finger in my face, and fiercely asked why I keep my list in a ... shudder ... paper notebook instead of online. I gently move their finger, wipe their spittle from my face, and calmly tell them it's my form of accountability.
As many of you know, saving things in your computer files or on the Cloud is the easiest way to ignore them. Betch yer bottom dollar my lists would remain unread for eternity if I saved them on the hard drive or interwebs. So, not only do I write my items down -- with ink -- but I also leave the page open and the notebook next to my laptop. In doing so, the urge to cross something off ... okay, it's guilt ... is always on my mind’s upper layer.
I don't advocate this as and be-all, end-all productivity fix. You probably do something that works better. However, for my distraction-addled brain, it's currently the best solution. Anyhoo, here's the update.
May 2023
40 job applications and 30 letters of introduction (LOIs): Fifty of both queries! I'm prouder of the latter than the job apps. Fear has constantly stopped me from taking risks, including virtual cold-calling. Now, I have to keep the momentum going with follow-ups. June goal: 60 job apps and 70 LOIs..
Finish cleaning up the Facebook business page: Done with an enormous amount of frustration and PG-based swear words. It wasn't easy to do this. The company's computer-based interface sucks. I had to use the mobile Facebook app to delete my remaining 2015 & 2016 posts. The Creative Genius Facebook page is now clean as a Metaverse whistle.
Continued website updates: Three blog posts for the month -- the most in a long time. I need to redesign the site or figure out a way to increase visible menu selections to include a portfolio. June goal: Two posts a week and possible redesign.
Five Medium articles: I wrote two pieces. It's a solid achievement but doesn't draw in needed passive income. I will continue to produce non-writing material based on other interests. June goal: 15 Medium articles (three a week).
Ten magazine pitches: Nope. I have to get going on this. Yes, I want to write books but I also need other forms of income to help pay for rent, food, a new car, and my extensive collection of decorative Cabbage Patch Doll plates. June goal: 20 magazine pitches.
Publish Thinking Inside My Box paperback: I ran out of ISBNs and don't want to use different numbers for Amazon and Ingram. I'm putting money together to order at least 10 codes. June goal: Purchase 10 ISBNs.
Pop culture book proposal: This item continues to be stuck on my to-do list like a petrified mouse in a trap. I have to produce several chapters, create an outline, and submit a proposal. June goal: What I just said.
Four chapters of The Mediocre Quest of Rathspun for Kindle Vella: Yes, and another proud achievement. I haven't produced new fiction material for years. June goal: Release six chapters.
Adjust Fiverr material and add voicework: June goal: Do this. 'Nuff said.
Create new print-on-demand material: Another item stuck on my list. I have to take these things seriously to earn extra income. June goal: Git 'er done.
Revise short stories and covers: I decided to remove these from the marketplace. They haven't made any money since their release back in 2019. It's better to put them in an anthology. June goal: Release a short-story anthology.
Think of a creatives-based podcast: A long time ago, during a period of mild, untreated psychosis, I hosted and produced three weekly podcasts. They were all based on the life of creatives, whether they were entrepreneurs, entertainers, or writers. Since then, I've wanted to return to podcasting. I think I have an idea thanks to Guy Raz.
Last year, he introduced The Great Creators, a weekly podcast that features in-depth interviews with heavy hitters like Tom Hanks, Seth Myers, and Ellie Goulding. It's both entertaining and inspiring. I'd like to do something that combines my previous trio of podcasts into a single, more manageable broadcast. June goal: Continue development of a new podcast.
What Did We Learn Today, Rich?
What it comes down to is taking everything seriously. I can't think of these items as part of a hobby. It's. My. Freaking. Job. It means putting my butt in the seat, shunning the television, and pushing past the urge to nap. In the end, those are the biggest tasks of all.
All the best.
Rich Scott Keller
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