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NaNoWriMo 2023: Week One

Over five thousand words for the first week. Here's the breakdown.

Title Card with total for NaNo 2023 week 1

Over five thousand words were written in the first week of NaNoWriMo 2023. I should be at 11,700 words by this time in the competition. I'm not worried, and you shouldn't either if you're behind like me.

Peanuts' Pig Pen

Some advice to those who haven't slept in days or hopped up on double energy Rockstar: Take a breath. Well, maybe not the folks tingling with caffeine. I need my house painted toot suite.

Sure, reaching fifty thousand words before the end of November is great. Yet, there are tasks to address during this time. For instance, showering, going to the bathroom, and saying hello to your children. Oh, make sure they're fed and bathed as well.

Pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion doesn't work. You won't come up with additional ideas if your creative soul is exhausted and your brain is a squishy mound of applesauce. Plus, you run the risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental issues. I don't want to see that happen to you.

So, take these moments to breathe, shower, and eat something other than a bag of Fun Size Milky Ways. Meanwhile, here's how the numbers break down.

Digitize Writing Notes

Goal: 2,000 words | Completed: 3,194 words

Years of handwritten notes from writers' conferences and classes remained hidden in a crumbling orange folder titled "Story Ideas." I decided NaNo was a good time to digitize these items. Is this cheating? If I copied the notes verbatim, I'd say yes. However, I performed serious editing to combine information.

Go ahead and report me to the NaNo police. I dare you because it takes time away from your writing. Aha! Didn't think of that catch-22, did you?

Write Decisions Blogs

Goal: 10,000 words | Completed: 781 words

The number doesn't include this one. I'll add it to next week's numbers. On top of the weekly articles, I started my Sunday Storytime piece, "Black Friday Eternal," and my Friday Feature on a secret topic.

The Mediocre Quest of Rathspun

Goal: 50,000 words | Completed: 1,066

I'm not concerned about reaching this goal. I'm using this year's NaNo competition to clear the baffles of other materials. Still, it would be nice to finish a manuscript after an intense drought.

What Did We Learn Today, Rich?

Steady as we go, folks. See you next week.

Yours always,

Rich Scott Keller


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